I can’t tell you how heart crushing it was to drive into Toronto down the 400 Hwy and then have to drive through and out of it on the 403 to Oakville which is one of those suburbs about 30km outside. Not saying I didn’t want to complete this trip and take Truck back to her birthplace. It’s just that, neither Don nor I had been home in about a month and a half so to drive right past your home in Toronto traffic was pretty hilariously sad. The only consolations were girls yelling at us from cars and guys trying to buy Truck off us at stoplights. No joke it was happening. Is this a picture of what my life will be like driving this thing? Rad.

When you're the guy with the truck you get to help your buds move

When you're the guy with the truck you get to help your buds move

We got to Ford completely unannounced and vaguely near a shift change. Drove around the compound for a while until a nice woman getting off her shift talked to us and told us Ford Canada’s head office was just at the other end of his huge parking lot with factory buildings around it. Not a ton of cars in the lot. So we drove over. After a conversation with James from the front desk about how fun driving across Canada is, the head of product Peter Jansen came to talk to us. I think he was so shocked to hear what we had done that he had to come down and entertain this whole thing. It was nice of Peter to do that. Thank you Peter. We took some pictures and left. Parked Truck right where the old truck assembly plant had been that is now a parking lot. To be on the Gardner Expressway headed east felt the best it had in my entire life, I didn’t even mind the traffic. I wonder if Truck knows where she is, I don’t think she has really felt concrete under her wheels in a decade. Machines have a soul. Sounds insane but the more moving parts something has, I feel like the more of a soul it has. Things have to work in harmony and good care or abuse will show. Hard to know but it is what I know.

Right back where she was first made. The old plant has moved west from where it was in 1968 but this is about where it was originally.

Right back where she was first made. The old plant has moved west from where it was in 1968 but this is about where it was originally.

In conclusion to this whole thing, I’m back in Toronto and Truck is parked on Roxton Ave outside my place. If you’re passing through go check it out. The trip was a blast, the truck is a beauty, and I think the main thing I learned is that adventures are the best. Really anyone can have them if they want to have an open mind and look around. Just make the arrangements, save the money or whatever it takes. I would be remiss if I didn’t thank LMC Truck and the Ford Truck Enthusiast Forum for their support. They care about these old trucks and they want to see them last. Thanks for reading. If you have an impulse and you get inspired, you should probably act on it and get out there to see some things you don’t even know are there. We did about 3500 miles all told and it was one the best drives of my life.

Home sweet home

Home sweet home

David Morton